"You Will Survive"
Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2012-19
Francisco Wichter is the only Holocaust survivor alive in Latin America of the 1,300 people that made up Schindler's List during the Second World War. His convict number was 105,262 KL. He was 19 years old when the war ended. He arrived in Argentina with his wife Hinda, also a survivor, in 1947, but nobody wanted to hear about the horrors of Europe. Today, Francisco spends his time telling the young people his story just as his mother had asked him to do before she was transported to Auschwitz. "You will survive and tell the world what happened to your family."
* The landscape photographs correspond to the places where Francisco was during the war in Poland and where his entire family was killed.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2012-19
Francisco Wichter es el único sobreviviente del Holocausto con vida en América Latina de las 1.300 personas que formaron la Lista de Schindler durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su número de convicto fué 105,262 KL. Tenía 19 años cuando terminó la guerra. Llegó a Argentina con su esposa Hinda, también sobreviviente, en 1947, pero nadie quería saber sobre los horrores de Europa. Hoy, Francisco pasa su tiempo contando a los jóvenes su historia tal como su madre le había pedido que hiciera antes de ser transportada a Auschwitz. "Sobrevivirás y le contarás al mundo lo que le sucedió a tu familia".
* Las fotografías de paisajes corresponden a los lugares donde Francisco estuvo durante la guerra en Polonia y donde toda su familia fue asesinada.